Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Notes In Science

I have been trying to figure out the best way for my grade sevens to receive Science notes.  I have had classes where they write them from the white board.  Others where we create them as a class.  I began to upload them to D2L and expected that they would download them for class.  Most recently I have put fill in the blanks style on D2L and only have them up for the week that that lesson was done.  My intention was to force students to be responsible for the work by going into D2L each week and downloading what they need.  I feel as though those students who were already independent learners with initiative were completing this task but others were not.  Now many are left without the proper notes to review in advance of a unit test.  I am feeling a little frustrated, as though I am doing all of the work.
I am still searching for something that works better.

On another front, I have found that for presentation and projects the bulk of my students are using Google slides, and reading most of the text right from the slide.  Often it is as though they are seeing the words for the first time.  With the current project, I put a limit of 5 words per slide or cue card.  My hope is that it will force them to truly understand what it is that they are talking about during their presentation.
Let's hope for the best.

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